New business offers

New business offers

New business offers

In conditions of market economy interactions between consumers forming demand and those who offer them goods and services for consumption constituting supply develop within direct and inverse relations. At first glance, a scheme is simple: demand exceeding supply leads to deficit, but supply accelerating in comparison with demand results in glut pregnant to swell into stagnation. However, demand and supply as a fundament of economy alongside with reflecting correlation between a level of purchasing capacity and volumes of purchased merchandise and services also show a very important picture of state of these interactions` culture, particularly in conditions of growing demand and supply.

These system rules of market economy are informational and analytical ground on which suppliers of merchandise and services take decisions on appropriate measures in the direction of satisfying demand. These decisions are very important on the essence as they do not simply reflect position on demand but demonstrate quality level of capability to satisfy demand.

According to those stated above, a decision of FURQAN Company’s management to open two new directions – modular constructions and carports since spring 2007 – is an evidence of the most serious approach to the demand satisfaction matter. FURQAN Company has not simply diversified and enlarged its supply capacity but put forward new complex decisions of multifarious matters: roof, dwelling accommodation, storage and covering.

Upon ordering for example Ekovillas you procure much more indeed – dwelling matter resolution as you do not face a problem of how to build – FURQAN Company takes an assemblage upon itself, you only make a choice – where to build. State of interaction of two core values – demand and supply – in non-material light cannot be valued by exact figures because it is a spiritual sphere where mathematical algorithms and economical formulas give way to psychological analysis. However, it contributes to define a grade of satisfaction of separate demand groups by supply and a grade of adequacy of supply to the concrete category of demand. As, on the one hand, satisfying consumers` demand does not yet mean achieving their complete content – consumers are specific on levels, contingents and classes and a group of consumers willing more and better satisfaction by supply may always spring up, on the other hand, supply satisfying demand can bring out demand if this supply is original and of current importance. As a rule, innovations stand for such supply and thanks to unique specifications occupy own market space that often is exclusive.

Such an exclusive offer from FURQAN Company is polycarbonate carports.

Polycarbonate carports are combination of beauty and functionality with practical universality. You procure remarkable constructive solution bearing not only a function of a carport but also outstanding features and aesthetics.